The Fruit of Knowledge & Ignorance

This work depicts an apple (the classic fruit used to depict the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.) cover by protruding thorns. The work represents ignorance and knowledge and how both can be sought after and attractive - ignorance is bliss, knowledge is power.) and yet both can be damaging. Knowing too much can sometimes be dangerous and  a disadvantage. Whereas ignorance may bring a freedom from responsibility and sense of peace, yet ignorance can also be dangerous and misinformation and propaganda is also a form of false knowledge or ignorance.

  • The Fruit of Knowledge & Ignorance
  • Emile Dehon
  • Cement, air-dry clay, pigment and resin
  • 1 of 1
  • 11 x 13 x 13 centimeters
  • Sold
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