The Folly of Perfection

The Folly of Perfection consists of two companion artworks, Reflection of a God, and Reflection

of a Goddess. Both of these are depictions of Greek myths where the gods engaged mortals in

a contest of the arts. The former, Reflection of a God, depicts the musical contest between the

Greek god Apollo and the satyr Marsyas. The latter, Reflection of a Goddess, is a depiction of

the Greek goddess Athena, who engaged Arachne in a weaving contest. These myths stand as cautionary tales of hubris, and the consequences of rivalling the perfection of the gods. Through a series of contests, Apollo showcased his superiority as a musician which ultimately led to the demise of Marsyas. Arachne, on the other hand, suffered the wrath of Athena when she, a mere mortal, bested a goddess.

In both these artworks, we are confronted with the dichotomy between the gods and mortals,

questioning the divide between divine creator and mundane creation. These works consist of

artist-created content juxtaposed with AI-generated images. Viewed through the lens of

Augmented Reality these images morph in a constant push and pull between human artistry

and the burgeoning power of Artificial intelligence. As they vie for supremacy they distort each other, leaving one another irrevocably marred.

As with the Greek myths they are based on, The Folly of Perfection compels us to consider the

future of artistic expression. Will AI usher in a new Renaissance with a newfound emphasis on,

and appreciation for hand-crafted art? Or will we embrace it as a new artistic language, like

photography before it? One thing remains certain: AI art is undeniably here to stay. The choice is ours, do we embrace AI-art, or do we challenge it and pray we can rise to the occasion?


PS: Remember these artworks contain an Augmented reality component. See instructions below

  • The Folly of Perfection
  • Digital Print and Augmented Reality Video Experience
  • 33.7 x 59cm (each)
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