Sapphire (blue)

This is an acrylic self-portrait on canvas where I embark on a journey of self-discovery and artistic liberation. The predominant hue of blue envelops both background and subject, representing the boundless expanse of sky and sea, symbolizing freedom and fluidity. Amidst this azure landscape stands a yellow rectangular block, a metaphorical door beckoning towards new possibilities. Escaping the confines of hyperrealism, I embrace a more spontaneous and expressive approach, akin to the free-flowing nature of water. Through bold strokes and deliberate imperfections, I seek not to replicate reality but to capture the essence of trust in the creative process. In this portrayal, I adorn myself with daisies, a nod to my favorite flower, embodying a serene and meditative state with closed eyes. Blue, my chosen palette, echoes both the calming depths of the ocean and the boundless expanse of the sky, reflecting my personal affinity for this hue. As the background emerges from diluted blue paint allowed to flow freely, I invite viewers to contemplate their own journey towards selfdiscovery and transformation. May this artwork serve as a reminder to embrace change, pursue dreams with unwavering faith, and find solace in the beauty of new beginnings.

  • Sapphire (blue)
  • Thulani Tsamela
  • 2024
  • 170 x 130 centimeters
  • Sold
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