Networks among networks

This body of work represents the evolution of the last three years of my experiemtnal printmaking  practice. For me, the matrix, medium, substrate and artist relationships are rooted in materiality, specifically entangled materiality. Entanglement is not a mere characteristic of engagement, rather it is the nature of ongoing and progressive relationships, it relies on engagement and interaction and its nature is to become rather than to be. The works embody the entangled relationships between the artist, material, and environment, where each interaction shapes the material’s capacity for transformation. These encounters invite materials to respond, shift, and behave differently, attuned to the ever-changing conditions that define their becoming. The works chosen for this exhibition actively provoke questions about the matrix, its function, and its place within the printmaking process. They also encourage the viewer to consider the consistency of materials and how it may be influenced by the nature of the process itself. The matrix is fluid, and ever-transforming, both ephemeral and immediate. It is an emergent surface, a threshold of transfer. Though projected onto another surface, the matrix itself remains unfixed, evolving beyond the moment of impression. Each print marks but a singular instance in the ongoing life of the matrix, a moment in its perpetual becoming.

















  • Networks among networks
  • Caitlin le Roux
  • 2024
  • Soot ink on Fabriano Rosaspina
  • 1 of 1
  • 49 x 64
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