Metsamao Ya Ka

In my latest sculptural endeavour, I embark on a deeply introspective journey, using rusted iron shaving to craft a series of sculptures depicting the intimate narrative of my own feet in motion. This sculpture serves as both a testament to my artistic evolution and a reflection of the profound experiences that have shaped my creative path.

Rusted iron shaving, with its worn appearance and evocative texture, serves as the perfect medium to capture the essence of my artistic journey. This sculpture captures a moment frozen in time, a step forward on the winding road of self-discovery and expression.

The choice to depict my own feet in motion holds a deeply personal significance. As I mould and shape the rusted iron dust, I am reminded of the numerous challenges, successes, and moments of revelation that have defined my artistic practice. Like the rust that slowly transforms iron over time, I have been shaped and refined by the passage of experience.

With this sculpture, I invite viewers to accompany me on a reflective journey through the landscapes of creativity and self-expression. The recurring motion of my feet, preserved in rusted iron, serves as a visual metaphor for the continuous movement and development inherent in the artistic process. 

As viewers engage with this sculpture, I hope to spark a dialogue about the transformative power of art and the deeply personal nature of the creative journey. May my rusted footsteps serve as a reminder that beauty can be found in imperfection, and that true creativity lies in embracing the unique texture of our own experiences.

  • Metsamao Ya Ka
  • Johannes Mafoko
  • Recycled PVC Plastic and Recycled Iron Zinc on a Concrete Base
  • 52 x 60 x 23 centimeters
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