Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. It All Will Return In The Dawn Of Light

Do not go gentle into that good night. It all will return in the dawn of light

A sick person such as myself who takes too much medicine often grapples with concerns about potential side effects, interactions between medications, and the long-term impact on my health. I worry about dependency or addiction, especially with sleeping medication. Additionally, the financial burden of purchasing numerous medications weigh heavily on my mind. There's also the fear of inadvertently worsening my condition or experiencing adverse reactions from overdosing. Balancing the need for symptom relief with the risks associated with medication use becomes a constant source of anxiety and uncertainty for individuals managing chronic illnesses or multiple health issues.

  • Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. It All Will Return In The Dawn Of Light
  • Nathani Lüneburg
  • 2024
  • Digital painting, illustration and photomontage
  • 1 of 5
  • 84.1 x 59.54
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