Decontamination: Mademoiselle Omitted

Artist statement

In these works, I am exploring the connections between western modernist concepts and primitive tribal concepts, science, and shamanism. Attempting to establish links between two worlds seemingly galaxy’s apart, running on the same thread but with different views and approaches.  I am exploring formal composition using found and self-made objects, drawing inspiration from modernism, African art, and pre-historic art, but attempt to do this in a more playful popish manner. The Objects that I make are the physical manifestations of thoughts and emotions that transpire from events and conditions that have an impact on my life, be that from first-hand experience or through the media. 

  • Decontamination: Mademoiselle Omitted
  • Steven Delport
  • Bronze
  • 1/5
  • 165 x 30 x 30 centimeters
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