Always Me, Then The Down

In this artwork Natty represents me experiencing a bipolar type 2 episode, especially through the superimposed double attached to Natty’s face. Experiencing a bipolar type 2 episode is a unrestrained journey through contrasting emotional landscapes, characterised by alternating periods of depression. These episodes can vary widely in duration and intensity, but each phase brings its own unique set of challenges and experiences. The descent into a depressive episode is a stark contrast. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair can overwhelm the individual, often without an apparent trigger. Energy levels plummet, leading to profound fatigue and difficulty concentrating or making decisions. Sleep disturbances, appetite changes, and social withdrawal are common. Self-esteem suffers, and thoughts of guilt or worthlessness may dominate the mind. Simple tasks become daunting, and life may feel bleak and devoid of joy or purpose.

  • Always Me, Then The Down
  • Nathani Lüneburg
  • 2024
  • Digital painting, illustration and photomontage
  • 1 of 5
  • 30 x 16.87
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