
Artist statement:

  My first thoughts about transhumanism are, I really need an upgrade. How great it would be to upgrade an old and tired body. Even better, I could duplicate me to help with those crunched deadlines and someone extra just to clean up, but an upgrade will probably not need help. Will I still be human with a synthetic body? The brain is still working except for a few fried brain cells where the electrodes were connected, but the enhancements would improve my memory loss and the concentrated blood flow to my brain could spike its use to maximum capacity. My ingenious brain will develop an unlimited power source that will eliminate body function recharge and it will eventually develop a replacement synthetic brain that will eliminate the initial driving force. Will my human brain as an upgrade keep producing created rather than imitated artwork? Will I stray from being an artist to becoming an all-rounded transhuman to be relevant in society rather than an individual creative who is appropriate to himself regardless of his enhanced body features? I choose the latter.

  As an extra enhancement, the illustrations I produced for this exhibition are linked to augmented reality. Download the Artivive App to your Smartphone and hold it in front of the artwork to experience it in a different dimension.

  • Alive
  • Benjamin Mitchley
  • 2020
  • Augmented reality
  • Augmented Reality
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