Get-to-Know Session with John Moore

Published 12 July 2022 in Artist Blogs

Interview with John Moore

John Moore is featured in our latest exhibition, We Are All in This Together with Hannelie Coetzee. And with his various upcoming events, demonstrations, and workshops at the gallery, we thought it necessary for you to get a sneak peek into the mind and life of John Moore. We asked him some questions and here are his answers!

1.  Where were you born?
"I was born at the Marymount in 1972, a twin, firstborn by two minutes;) and I also have a sister, 8 years younger"

2. Does the place you live now influence your art?
"I live in Fourways and try to get into the bush at any opportunity... and it's quick to get to Magaliesburg (areas where nature is). But would love to live at the coast, where I'm looking at moving to, to be surrounded by nature and be inspired all the time."

3. Who are you most influenced by?
"My interactions with nature influence most of my work, I also look at animal interactions and dream imagery. Books, movies, and source material through the internet also allow me to get my images for my work."

4. Tell us about the first artwork you remember creating.
"I sold my first artwork at 12, but my first breakthrough image was a work entitled: 'animal fantasy' that was from my first year in university. That image showed me that I could make a living off my art, and I've since created monumental images that I am very pleased in seeing time and again."

5. Describe what you do.
"I am a shaman and energy worker who uses my experiences in nature or dreams to create visual images of my work. I am literally a bridge between the animal and human worlds and try to represent the animal world and give them a voice."

6. Why do you do it?
"As a child, I was very sick and went into a coma for a few hours; it took me months to recover. But while I was in a coma, I was learning. The language of source or spirit...I remember it like it was yesterday, even though the doctors would say I was 'out', I was in another dimension learning their language. From that experience, I've realised that I have a job to do and do it to the best of my ability. And that is to voice the concerns of nature to the human world."

7. How do you work?
"I have a studio that allows me to create very large or very small works, depending on the image. I am a printmaker and artist that uses multiple mediums to make my work. I have some of the largest etching presses in the country specifically to make" as large an image as possible. I try to push the boundaries in detail and form and size to create my artworks."

8. What do your works aim to say?
"My images are multi-layered, looking at ways to bring the magic of the spirit realm into this reality. I look at the environmental themes and look at addressing" ideas that animals feel the human world."

9. Do feel artists have a specific role to play in society?
"Artists can either be decorative painters or have a voice; you must decide what you can do for society. But yes, I believe artists can show you ways you've never seen the world before and alter your perception of this 3D reality, and shift it from one single artwork."

10. What experience has been most important in developing the direction of your work?
"I try to develop my work with each and every image. I do my utmost best to push the boundaries and better myself all the time. If I can see improvement then I am happy. When I learned the medium of print, it was something that I took to very efficiently; and now I look at pastels and charcoal to push my ideas as they are faster to explore...I have an idea, look at what medium would be the best and see to it that I express my idea."

11. How has your practice changed over time?
"My images are always realistic; I used to create colour woodcuts, but now I make linocuts, etchings, and pastel images. As the years go by, I develop and choose the mediums best suited to express the idea."

So there you have it: a peek into the life and art of John Moore!

If you want some more information about John and/or his works visit his website here or visit our gallery in Brooklyn, Pretoria for his upcoming events on printmaking and linocuts!

- Cassandra Comins

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